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The Befriend Annual Membership

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A trauma-informed, compassion-based mind-body healing community that empowers you to recover from fatigue, anxiety, cptsd, burnout, and stress-based illnesses. We teach you to befriend your mind, heart, body and nervous system so that you can experience that you are innately self-healing and whole.

Nature does not hurry and neither do we. We all heal in a non linear unique way, with time, space, and support for our different seasons of life. Our trauma-informed commitment as an organisation means the cost of annual membership is low at $349 a year because care for health is a birthright, not a privilege.

What’s included...

$349 per year
Available as 2 monthly payments of $175
or 3 monhtly payments of $120

We teach you evidence based skills to re-train the brain, regulate the nervous system and harmonise your mind-body connection to recover from chronic fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety, trauma and chronic illness.

Eight mind-body classes designed to empower recovery
Learn about your mind-body connection and how to empower healing, not fix, fear or fight your body.
Downloadable meditations and workbooks
On demand learning at your own pace
Live classes and Q and A
Monthly visiting experts
Created by HSP's for HSP's


Discover success Stories
41, London

The work I did with Nadia changed my life. My health is in a better place than it ever was even though I have been through a really difficult few years.

28, UK

I am very grateful to have worked with Nadia in my recovery journey.


Nadia is a brilliant, one-of-a-kind human!


I quite simply don’t know what I would have done, or where I’d be, without her.


In the course of working with Nadia I have stopped seeing limitations or feeling overwhelm.


It is constant work but I feel for the first time in my life I have the freedom to be exactly who I want to be and create the life of my dreams.


Nadia’s support and guidance has brought me back to life in every sense of the phrase, and I’m now more vital than I’ve ever been.


Within two months my results were exponentially more than they had been doing 8 months of practicing alone.


The single most important step in my recovery has been my introduction to Nadia.


Nadia has been a godsend!


Her in-depth knowledge of trauma, and how this interacts with chronic illness, was life-changing for me to understand.


Nadia is without a doubt the reason I am recovering now.

What makes us different?

Biopsychosocialspiritual Approach

We support your physical health, the resilience and flexibility of your nervous system to heal chronic symptoms, befriend your mind; thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and honour unique social factors and spiritual connection (all religions and faiths are welcome). Each person is unique and so is their healing path.

Compassion Based

We help people to stop leaving their inner wisdom to consume diets, programs, and supplements from a state of disembodied fear. To instead tend and Befriend their unique mind-body with compassion and curiosity in their daily lives.

Individualised Practices to Suit the Unique You

All our practices are focused on building your relationship with your mind and body, for symptom resolution, not dominating them. We particularly enjoy working with highly sensitive people (HSP’s). If you are doing other programs you are welcome here. This is a collaborative not a competitive space.

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The Befriend Classes For Trauma And Chronic Illness Recovery


Mindfulness In Daily Life

Growing focused attention, kind intention, open awareness in daily life. Making autopilot habits conscious. For resilience, less stress, and a foundation of trauma healing.


Nervous System Healing

Nervous system mapping and stabilization/recalibration. Vagus nerve masterclass. Heartmath. Befriending emotions and needs


Befriend Personality Parts

Befriend personality patterns like inner criticism, pushing through, over helping, people pleasing; that can add to stress. Attachment healing. Internal family systems and inner relationship focusing.


Compassionate Neuroplasticity Practice

Healing the limbic system (stress response system). Compassion and consent based brain retraining. Working with parts, emotions and needs too.


Mindful Lifestyle

Mindful nutrition and lifestyle without dogma or fear. Trauma informed understanding of food and stress. Unshaming eating and how you live.


Somatic Experiencing

For feeling safer in our body, nervous system flexibility, capacity, holding vitality, boundaries and processing emotions. Pain and symptom reprocessing therapy.



Self compassion, radical acceptance, radical responsibility, surrender. Skills for a better life.


Microdosing Mushrooms Masterclass

All you need to safely microdose. Learn more.

Support with no pressure to achieve

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Membership is annual so you have plenty of time and space. There are no levels and nothing to achieve. We believe achievement based healing is dehumanising. Do what you can, when you can, it is enough.

You can work with the classes in the order they are presented or choose your own adventure. We do not all need to do everything. Take our quiz in our free ebook to learn which classes might be helpful for you.

Self-paced learning is held in community so that you can share your successes, challenges, and get questions answered by teachers. Live classes repeat throughout the year for you to learn and practice in daily life.

Monthly masterclasses by qualified expert teachers who will teach one of the Befriend pillars of practice in their own unique way to help you find what works for you.

Skills are both top down – mind to body, and bottom up – working to self-regulate and befriend through the body. These are complimented by depth psychology to connect with deeper meaning and growth.

All bodies, ages, ethnicities, religions, sexual and gender orientations are welcome. There is no one way or best way to grow. There will be your unique way and we are committed to help you connect with that and trust your own journey.

Our curriculum

Our curriculum gives you psychoeducation about trauma, mind-body syndromes also known as tension myositis syndrome (TMS), psychophysiological disorders (PPD), and limbic system conditions. We then teach you and help you practice evidence-based mind and body skills to grow your well-being, which will result in symptoms resolving. You do not need everything, but we wanted to include all you might need at low cost in one place.

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About the membership

An introduction to our community

What we are not

There are no marketing gimmicks of this being the ‘best’ or ‘only’ way, or some kind of proprietary special sauce designed to appeal to vulnerable populations. We teach you practices that help you experience that your body is innately self-healing and that you are the special sauce and source of your recovery.

We are passionately against all forms of gurus, people packaging healing in expensive ways when it belongs to us all, any ideology that inspires fear, including diets, lifestyles, and shame-based religious doctrine. We do not support psychedelic plant teachers being turned into consumerism. We invite you to join us in spotting the bullshit and instead finding our own authentic paths in life that help us be more unashamedly ourselves—together.

“We’re all just walking each other home.”

Ram Dass