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Our articles are designed to educate and empower you and are rooted in our biopsychosocialspiritual approach to health and growth. Psychoeducation is an evidence-based part of recovery from mental health challenges, trauma, and chronic illness.

We teach about biology and neurology, the psychology of growth and change, the power of community and social factors, and the importance of meaning, purpose, and a sense of being part of something greater. All of these combine to create our shared experience of being human.

Nadia Georgiou

Trauma And CFS/ME, Chronic Pain and Environmental Illness

Min read
July 1, 2024

Memories, stress, emotions and unmet needs can take physical form via your nervous system in ongoing waves of disquieting sensations, fatigue discomfort, or pain. Learning how to stop and reverse this cycle is a life changing and affordable way to heal.

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